
#SFFpit Experience

I am late getting to this, but I participated in #SFFpit on Twitter near the end of February. It was my first time participating, so here are my not-so-initial thoughts.

First, an explanation of #SFFpit. It stands for “Science Fiction/Fantasy Pitch,” which is an opportunity for authors to pitch their WIP (work in progress) to publishers and agents on Twitter. On a specific day, authors can tweet once per hour for 10 hours, using the hashtag “#SFFpit.” If a publisher or agent is interested, they can “like” the tweet, which is an invitation for the author to submit a query to them.

Throwing caution into the wind, I dove in with this tweet around 8:30 am:

It got no response. Sigh. But once I started, I was determined to post once an hour throughout the day. I even had one tweet that used emojis to describe my book:

How cool is that? Well, a buddy of mine liked it, but no agents. No publishers. Clearly, they were not impressed with my sweet emoji game. Shame on you agents. For. Shame.

Yet this story still has a happy ending! By the end of the day, one agent and two publishers “liked” a tweet of mine! I submitted materials to two so far (the third does not want queries with other places, so they moved to the back of my line).

Will anything come of this? I have no idea. But it was fun. And I got to read a bunch of cool pitches from really talented authors, some of whom I started following. And I got to see how supportive the writing community on Twitter is.

All in all, a worthwhile experience. Definitely worth the time it took for me to draft 10 tweets.

If you are an agent reading this, know that there are already nibbles out there. Don’t wait too long if you are interested in representing me!

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